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If you are searching for a specific part by JRH number, please put just the number into the search box, i.e. "254". Please be aware that some numbers will bring up other fittings too, i.e. "96" will also bring up products of 1/96 scale.Fittings list pictures
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1/192 scale photo-etch
1/200 scale Photo-etch
1/48 scale photo-etch
Cowl Vents
General Merchant
Merchant Shipping
Royal Navy
US Navy
1/192 scale photo-etch
1/200 scale Photo-etch
1/48 scale photo-etch
Cowl Vents
General Merchant
Merchant Shipping
Royal Navy
Construction guide(Click on the thumbnail pictures above. Hover the mouse towards the top left or right of the picture when it opens, to move on to the next picture or back to the previous one.)1. Full kit of parts to clean up2. Fit top flange3. Fit 4 rows of bomblets4. Fit rear blast shield and drill out control colunm to fit wire handle as shown and then fit the control column into the shield hole and top flange hole, [wire not supplied].5. and 6. Completed kit.