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JRH 93 – 5 inch 38 open gun mount 1/96

JRH 93 5 inch 38 open gun mount 1/96: Construction Guide

Construction Guide:

This is JRH 93 the USN 5″/38 gun assembly guide.

1. All the parts in the kit.
2. Fit the base ring to the base and drill out all the holes indicated for the control and fuse setting parts with a 1.4mm drill, but not the central trunnion fixing holes.

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JRH 81 – 44″ searchlight

JRH 81 searchlight: Construction Guide

This is a scale 1/96 part.

Construction guide:

a) the complete kit
b) fix the right-hand bracket where shown
c) fix the searchlight bowl in the RH bracket hole and in the LH bracket open slot
d) drill and fix the handwheel where shown and after inserting a clear disc [ not supplied ] fix the dome shaped  rear piece
e) the complete assembly

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