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JRH632 Twin Bofor kit + PE. Fret

JRH632 Twin Bofor kit + PE. Fret-image

JRH632 Twin Bofor kit + PE. Fret

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A 1/96 scale kit - click on the pictures above to see the construction series. (If you move your mouse to the left or right side, halfway up on each picture, you will be able to move on to the next picture in the series.)1) Complete list of kit parts2) Drill out rear platform 0.7mm drill and fit backframe [ use cyano glue ] look carefully to see where to bend frame. Back rail should be over triangular section on platform3) Fit circular base ring and platform to trunnion. Drill out trunnion holes for handles 0.45mm4) and 5) Fit twin chutes to trunnion base and platform triangular section6) Cut out PE sights and guards and split as shown7) Drill out barrel 0.45mm and fit PE sight8) Twist sight guard through 90 degrees9) Curve over the guard as shown10) Twist sight bar through 90 degrees11) Pull up target sight and rear eyepiece12) Drill out 4 cooling hose holes 0.7mm13) Fit elevation gear into breech channel . The gear sits up into the barrel middle gap.14) Fit barrel assembly between the trunnion ears and cyano, also where the barrel tails slot into the chutes.15) Fit seats as shown both sides16) Fold up and fit the PE elevation and training handles17), 18) and 19) Using 22g copper wire 22mm long curved as shown for each hose, fit the 4 cooling hoses.This completes the construction guide.